When is it coming out on DVD or a streaming service (like Netflix or Hulu)?

Mid October!! Bethany will send out an email to her subscribers when we have the information. Sign up for email updates.

When it will be showing in other countries?

The film has played in theaters in the USA, Guam and Canada. We are working on setting release dates in Australia/New Zealand, trying to lock in something over in Europe, and also in Japan! …Other countries TBD! Continue to be patient, sign up for our emails and keep your eyes open for an email update pertaining to your country.

Can I bring the film to my town, church, or event?

Yes! You can sign up here to be a Film Event Captain! Please inquire if you would like to host the film at a non-theatrical venue.

Do you have Resources for Churches or Youth Groups?

Yes! Get our youthworker materials here.